Sadhana Activities

Chapter 1 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Solve this crossword using Chapter 1 of the Mahavakya on Leadership


2. a leader should have this under control

4. integral quality for leaders, and for everyone to attain immortality

7. leadership is a side effect of _____

9. a ___ leader is for others

10. everyone likes to be _____


1. doing things right

3. Self-____ is crucial for a leader's success

5. shapes destiny

6. no one likes to be _______

8. a leaders first duty is to the

Click here for the solution!

Chapter 2 - Mahavakya on Leadership

If you are unable to access the quiz above, please click here. 

Chapter 3 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Please visit this puzzle site and unscramble the image to discover the inner qualities of leadership

Chapter 4 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Please finish the exercise in the chapter: Attributes Of Successful Leaders

Chapter 5 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Please finish all the exercise in the chapter: Checklist And Questions For Leadership Qualities

Chapter 6 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Please complete this puzzle below. The solution is available here to check your work.

Chapter 6 Dealing with people.pdf

Chapter 7 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Please start and maintain a self development diary as described in the chapter for at least 3 months. You can use this template. 

Chapter 8 - Mahavakya on Leadership

Coming soon!